Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back to school... Finally!

It is not that I don't like my kids. But having three rampages, creative and full of ideas kids for three months, it's kind of challenging. There is a moment in time that they don't know what else to do, and I certainly pass that stage like a month ago. So I am super happy about them going back to school and them using their brains more often. There were vines coming out from their ears.

That means, We are back in business (Me, myself, and I). There is a couple of projects I am working on. The dress-form series which  would have to wait because one of the workshops is coming up: "Mapping your Goals". It is developed already, but I need to work in  marketing and selling it. I dread this part. I just find it hard to make people understand the wonderful tools and skills they get with creativity. It is a win/win situation. But somehow their fear interferes and they wont allow themselves to have the experience.

Anyway, If you know of someone (including yourself) that wants to organize their head, map their path, achieve some goals in a very creative, entertaining, and relaxing way, Please pass on this information:

"Mapping your goals"                         Contact: Ivonne Acero @
 Sept 17th - Oct 8th                        www.thecreativepower.com
4 Consecutive wednesdays            info@thecreativepower.com
7:00 PM - 10:00PM                                           214-697-0611                                                               

I will be happy to explain further. In the mean time, I will be in my couch having that "peaceful" coffee, I dramed about all summer.